Saturday, October 18, 2014

Week 9: Famous Last Words

Hey, everyone! So my last week has been a whirlwind (as usual).  I got through the last of my midterms which was good.  However, that has kept me from writing with that much quality.  Unfortunately, all of my assignments have been done pretty last minute so I’m hoping to work ahead as much as I can while midterms are out of the way for a little bit.  Anyways, I have been particularly impressed with the quality and the creativity of all the storybooks I’ve read.  I actually am very much looking forward to reading the new stories over the coming week because they are so interesting and add so much to the reading we have already done for the class.  Also, looking at other people’s storybooks has shown me the neat things people can do with formatting and colors and how it can add to the story and set the tone. 

As for other parts of my life, my week was good.  I was so relieved when my exams were over and spent all day Thursday (after my exam) meeting with my residents over various things.  On Friday, two of my classes were cancelled so after my one and only class that day, I ran some errands, got lunch with a friend, and had a girls’ night.  We went wedding dress shopping, ate dinner at Tarahumara’s, and watched a movie while eating ice cream.  It was a wonderful way to spend the night and then my fiancé got back in town Friday night which was great as well.  Today (Saturday), I slept a lot and am now waiting to go on rounds with my co-RA.  This past week has been really good and I’m sort of sad to know that the fall semester is drawing to a close (or at least it seems that way) since it’s my last year at OU.  Boomer Sooner!

Cute baby pineapple for your personal enjoyment
 (personal photo, May 2014)

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