Friday, September 5, 2014

Week 3: Famous Last Words

Whew- this past week has certainly flown by.  This past Saturday, my parents came in for the day so my boyfriend and I got lunch and dinner with them which was really nice.  It was also fun to see all the game-day stuff around OU and we stopped by a tailgate in the afternoon.  Sunday, I was originally going to buckle down and study, but my friend was really sick so I stayed with her to make sure she was doing okay.  Monday was really fun for a couple reasons.  One, it was my boyfriend and my 1.5 year anniversary, our group of friends had a massive water balloon fight and potluck, and my youth group had a pool party.  I studied a little bit that afternoon and then that night, so I caught up to some degree.  I also looked into some more physician assistant programs that I’d be interested in applying to after college.  I have this big spreadsheet on my computer of different requirements, deadlines, and preferences of the schools so I like to make sure it’s up to date every once in a while.  On Tuesday, I had rounds and desk duty.  Unfortunately, the fire alarm went off in Couch so everyone had to evacuate.  Thank goodness it was just a false alarm and no harm was done.  Wednesday and Thursday were not bad days by any means, just not too exciting.  However, I've really enjoyed most of my classes this semester- as of right now, all of them share common themes so it's cool to get different perspectives on topics from different professors.  Anyways, as for today, I got up early this morning because I had a nightmare last night so today has been a more productive day since I did homework before classes even started this morning.  I’m looking forward to relaxing a bit this weekend and also seeing my friend off tomorrow before she goes to England to do ministry.  As for the rest of my weekend, I imagine I’ll go to church and youth group on Sunday and then do lots of studying- I have some pretty big exams next week and the week after that, then projects due a week after that. 

This is a personal photo of my puppy from March 2012- 
I hope to be doing what she's doing this weekend (sleeping)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Taylor,

    I like these kind of weekends, although they can be a little unnerving if you don't get in the studying that you'd like. I like your idea of the spread sheet to keep all of your PA schools up-to-date, although it's probably not something I would do to organize my optometry schools, mainly because there are only two that I'm interested in.
